Claude Fournier

Director, Documentarist
Waterloo , QC
Quebec CA
Lives in
Montreal , QC
Quebec CA

Documentarian and filmmaker. After a short career as a journalist, Claude Fournier joined the NFB in 1959 and participated in the making of several acclaimed cinema vérité documentaries – such as Wrestling ([La Lutte], 1961, co-directed by Michel Brault, Marcel Carrière, Claude Fournier and Claude Jutra).

Claude Fournier is however more well known for his post-1970s sexploitation comedies, including the Québécois cult films Deux femmes en or (1970), The Master Cats (1971) and Hot Dogs (1980).  Rather saucy, these films often explore the connections between (homo)sexuality, farce, and transvestitism – themes also present in Fournier’s 1997 ‘non-exploitative’ comedy Heads or Tails (1997).

More recently, Claude Fournier has moved to television. He notably directed Les Tisserands du Pouvoir (1988) and Félix Leclerc (2005).