Gerald L'Écuyer


Director, scriptwriter, interviewer. Trained at Concordia and the CFC, L’Écuyer is known chiefly for his experimental autobiographical feature The Grace of God (Toronto, 1997, 75). Wildly uneven like the hypnotically beautiful kaleidoscope that is its principal visual refrain, Grace was hemmed together over a decade, thanks to its initial production push at the CFC in the late eighties, and, as its voice-over narration claims, the intervention of four psychiatrists. Prequels or earlier versions included prizewinning student films from the 1980s. Popular on the queer circuit, and in specialized settings like Toronto’s “Rendezvous with madness” festival, Grace is a haunting quilt of confessions, fragments and stories, many about a boy’s discovery of parental power and beneficence, of erotic obsession, of the institutions of psychiatry and filmmaking, and of the therapeutic power of storytelling itself. David Cronenberg’s star turn as an evil psychiatrist in Grace and L’Ecuyer’s cameo appearance in an episode of David Lynch’s Twin Peaks were byproducts of an earlier career as a starfuck interviewer for glossy celeb magazines such as Interview. L’Écuyer has more recently worked for TVO.